Ken Griffey Hits Home Run #600, Nobody Around To Catch Ball
- By Oscar Baines
- Published 06/10/2008
- Baseball Satire
- Unrated

Reds-Marlins Game Monday
Ken Griffey Jr. has been waiting for this moment for a while now. On Monday, the pressure was finally relieved from Griffey after he hit home run #600 at Dolphin Stadium in Miami.
The home run was a towering shot, and as Griffey rounded the bases a thunderous ovation came from the sixteen people in attendance. The actual paid attendance for the game was thirty, but fourteen people did not show thanks to the perfect weather in Florida on Monday.
All weekend fans of the Marlins packed the right field seats in hopes of catching Griffey's home run ball. The attendance figures were up for the three games Friday through Sunday. On Friday, the Marlins drew 1,200 fans hoping to see the magical home run. Saturday set records for the Marlins with 1,850 in paid attendance. Sunday was a little more the norm, with 250 people at the game.
Reporters were tossing questions at Griffey for nearly an hour. Towards the end of the hour, Griffey cut off the rest of the reporters and headed out of the room. Before he left he politely said to the crowd of reporters. "That's all for tonight guys, now I'm have to go out to the right filed stands and retrieve my home run ball, then I'm calling it a night."
One security guard did try to pick up the ball earlier, but employees of the stadium are not allowed souvenirs from the game, so the ball rested patiently waiting for Griffey on seat nine in section 103.