Chad Johnson Shows For Bengal Camp For Free Food
- By Andrea Madsen
- Published 06/12/2008
- Football Satire
- Unrated

Where's My Free Food? Chad Johnson, who had threatened to hold out from reporting to camp with the Cincinnati Bengals arrived on Thursday. He claims he changed his mind about the hold out when he realized he would miss the free food.
It is customary for players to receive free food in the locker room during camp. Johnson had said he was going to stay away from camp unless the Bengals traded him, but the lure of the free food was too great.
"I'm an eating man. I like my food, and although I have the money to eat at any restaurant I want, I figured I'd punish the Bengals by showing up and eating as much of their food as I can," said Johnson, looking unusually big on his first day of camp.
This does not mean that Johnson is
"I thought he might not have eaten all off season the way he was putting down those ribs. If he keeps eating like this, he'll be in no shape to play football," said the source.
That might be just what Johnson is banking on. He has been trying to force a trade all off season, and he may be hoping the overeating of the free food forces the hand of the Bengals. Team reps, however, claim Johnson has another thing coming if that is what he believes.
"We'll serve liver and chicken gizzards and make the whole team suffer before we trade Chad," said team chef, Brian Wadler.
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