Derek Jeter Insists Spitting Is Not Disrespectful To Yankee Stadium
- By Andrea Madsen
- Published 07/16/2008
- Baseball Satire

"F**k These People" Derek Jeter has come under fire from many Yankee fans of late for spitting too many times while he is out at his shortstop position. The fans feel he is disrespecting Yankee stadium by constantly spitting on it.
Jeter responded to the irate fans by claiming that spitting is just as much a part of the game of baseball as peanuts and hot dogs. Fans are not so sure, however. Many believe Jeter is telling former Yankees to go f**k themselves by spitting.
"I love the way Jeter plays the f**kin game, but why's he got to spit all the time. It's a sign of f**kin disrespect. Why not just go sh*t on the Babe's grave," said longtime Yankee fan, Vinnie Boom Bots.
Other players have come to
"If it was up to me, they wouldn't even walk on that field. That's how important Yankee Stadium is. They should just award us titles and not have the4se guys rip up our filed by playing on it," said Yankee fan Joey Sindone.
Players from other teams have taken to the outrage against Jeter. "It's about time that pretty boy f**k got some negative press. I was starting to believe people of New York thought that guy don't ever take a s**t. And the ones that believed he does, thinks it comes out smelling like a f**kin flower," said Texas Rangers outfielder Milton Bradley.
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2 Responses to "Derek Jeter Insists Spitting Is Not Disrespectful To Yankee Stadium" 
said this on 16 Jul 2008 12:00:51 PM UTC
Mlton Bradley is so low class. Derek Jeters a legend in yankee stadium. He can do whatever he pleases.
said this on 17 Jul 2008 8:18:24 AM UTC
People are absolutely ridiculous. Also Mitlon Bradley can go f himself too. People love Jeter beause he is a standup guy and all people have to complain about is him spitting, give me a break and these people should get a life. This complaint just goes to show some peoples lack of intelligence. No wonder people say how stupid Yankee fans are. You are going to talk sh*t about a guy who has grown in the Yankee organization, has never been in trouble with the law for any reason, who comes out and plays hard every game, has a charity foundation he started when he was very young and impressionalbe, is a stand up guy, never talks sh*t about anyone, and is an actual ROLE MODEL for the youth today. And this is what you are going to point out. RIDICULOUS!!