Talent Agency Signs A-Rod For Challenge Of Marketing Arrogance
- By Englar Stewart
- Published 07/23/2008
- Baseball Satire
- Unrated

I'm A Star!! Alex Rodriguez signed with a talent agent on Tuesday. That is not satire, that is the truth. There are times when the satire simply happens and does not have to be created. Rodriguez is hoping that the well known talent agency can find SOMETHING that they can market in A-Rod.
Outside of his recent scandal with Madonna, A-Rod has about as much personality as a pen. He has decided that it will now be up to the talent agency to do its job and find something to market.
Part of the contract he signed states that if ant any time, he is not happy with the way the talent agency is representing him, he can simply dump the agency and represent himself. Much like what he did to his agent Scott Boras.
A-Rod also has informed
They also took it as a challenge to try and market somebody with absolutely nothing to offer anyone. They pointed to his lack of personality and constant arrogance as qualities they have never had to represent before.
It is not yet known what A-Rods first job will be. There have been rumblings that he will become a spokesman for RSPOA (Rich Snotty People Of America). One of his first assignments will be to host a charity event in which only he can attend.
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