Penguins Stay Home, Concede Championship To Red Wings
- By George Starworth
- Published 06/2/2008
- General Sports Satire
- Unrated

Penguins Give Up The Detroit Red Wings have put such a thorough beating on the Pittsburgh Penguins through the first four games of the Stanley Cup Finals, that the Penguins have conceded the championship.
Pittsburgh was supposed to play in Detroit in game five tonight, but they decided not to make the trip after losing game four. The Penguins players voted against the trip on Sunday night.
"We took a vote and decided that it was not worth the flight to go to Detroit and get destroyed in the next game. Then we
The Red Wings were shocked at the decision, and are upset they do not get one more chance to embarrass the Penguins. "We'll take the Cup, but it would have been much more fun hoisting it after trouncing Pittsburgh again as we've done the whole series," said an executive of the Red Wings.
Detroit, who has often been compared to the Russian team of the eighties, is contemplating a move next season to Moscow.
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