Derek Jeter Asks Baseball For Instant Replay On A-Rod Signing
- By Oscar Baines
- Published 08/27/2008
- Baseball Satire
- Unrated
"Replay The A-Rod Signing, Please!!" There is just over a month left in the baseball season, and with the Yankees fading fast and instant replay making an appearance, their captain has had enough. Derek Jeter is asking Major League Baseball to have an instant replay on Alex Rodriguez.
Not actually A-rod the player, but the contract that he signed in the off season. The contract that was supposed to save the Yankees from having to suffer through the loss of their manager.
Jeter said on Tuesday that upon watching the replay of the A-Rod signing, he feels that it was the wrong decision and that it should be void. He
"Everyone knows that you cannot sign a contract with a red pen," said Jeter, "and after watching his performance this year, I feel like baseball should replay the signing and void the contract."
Officials have not responded to Jeter's call for instant replay, but said they would review the request. Other members of the Yankees have agreed with Jeter, but wished not to be identified.
"That guy stinks. Where is the fifty homers and 160 rbi's. He must be hiding them under his bed with all of that money they gave him," said Jason Giambi.
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