De La Hoya Agrees To Fight Pacquiao In Tights
- By Jerome Davis
- Published 08/28/2008
- General Sports Satire
- Unrated

"You Want Some?" Oscar De La Hoya has agreed to fight Manny Pacquiao, but he has put a few stipulations in the contract. He will only get into the ring with Pacquiao if both men are wearing tights.
De La Hoya has already admitted to liking wearing the tight around the house, but now he said for his last fight he would like the world to see what he looks like in the tights.
He did say that he would wear a traditional color of either red or blue, and that his opponent would get to chose from another color. Pacquiao only agreed to wearing
His anger towards De La Hoya stems from an early meeting when he claims De La Hoya disrespected him in front of his family. "I was with my parents, and De La Hoya tells me,"you would look good in white tights", ever since then, I have wanted to tear his head off," said Pacquiao.
The fight will take place somewhere in Egypt. That is because America has pretty much given up on the sport of boxing, and none of the other countries that still follow the sport want two men in tights in the ring.
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