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Sandy Vukovich

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"I Am Still The Coach"
"I Am Still The Coach"
The Penn State Nittany Lions appear headed to an undefeated season. If they complete the perfect regular season, they will be in line to play in the BCS National Championship game.

Today, Nittany Lions head coach Joe Paterno received good news about that potential trip. If the Nittany Lions play in the title game, Paterno will be coaching in style. He will be watching, uh, I mean, coaching, the game in style.

"Run The Damn Ball Out, Jose!"
"Run The Damn Ball Out, Jose!"
Bill Cowher has not been a head coach for the past two seasons, but he almost became a manager. Even though the New York Mets have made Jerry Manuel their permanent manager after giving him a two year deal, Cowher was their first choice.

Yeah, it seems crazy that Cowher could have made the move to Major League Baseball from the NFL, but it also seems crazy that the Bush administration has put the nation in the jam it is in.

"We Are The Best!"
"We Are The Best!"
The NFL is the elitist of leagues in America. They do not care about, nor give credence to, any other sport. They do what they want, when they want and if that means overshadowing other sports, then so be it.

This week, the league is thinking about moving one of their games to a 10PM start. The reason for doing this would be simple. Try and overshadow the baseball playoffs.

"We Must Hug"
"We Must Hug"
The NFL has become an extremely violent sport. What used to be played by beer guzzling athletes is now played by fierce warriors. That is the image the NFL wants to send to its fans.

Or is it? Commissioner Roger Goodell today announced that he would like to curb some of the anger that leads to injuries in the league. He would like to take out some of the violence.

"Look Mom, I Won"
"Look Mom, I Won"
This article is just being written to inform people that the sport of golf still exists. Tiger Woods has not played in several months, so it seems like nobody cares about golf anymore.

Truth is, they don't. Vijay Singh won a golf tournament over this past weekend, but nobody cares. If Woods is not playing, then there is no reason to follow the game of golf, according to some experts.

I Win Again
I Win Again
Tiger Woods completed another stellar round from the couch on Sunday to pull away and win the PGA Championship. It was his second consecutive major championship since he had surgery on his leg.

Woods was granted an exception from the PGA that allowed him to play the tournament via satellite on his Sony PlayStation. His first round was strong, but the second and third rounds were lackluster. Woods blamed those two rounds on too much Madden the night before.

"I'm Still Unbeatable"
"I'm Still Unbeatable"
Tiger Woods may be on the shelf with an injury, but that is not stopping him from still setting records. After winning the British Open without even playing at the course, Woods has once again put himself in position to win another major.

Woods has a three stroke lead after the first day of the PGA Championship. Woods, dressed in a red pair of pajamas played brilliantly from the couch on Thursday. He now will try and hold the lead in day two.

I'm Here Guys
I'm Here Guys
Brett Favre has announced that he will report to Packers training camp this weekend. Once he gets there, he will be in for a shock from the team. They have instructed that Favre wear an orange jersey when he is out on the field.

The orange jersey will represent that Favre must be there, but that the Packers do not consider him part of the training camp. The rest of the players reporting have been told to act as if anyone with an orange jersey does not even exist.

Favre will be one of two men that will be wearing the orange jersey. The other is the water boy. Neither of which appear to be hurt by having to wear the orange jersey.

"I've Always Been Better Than You"
"I've Always Been Better Than You"
Venus Williams disposed of her younger sister Serena in the Wimbledon finals on Saturday, leaving the younger Williams to go pouting to her father.

Serena Williams has always been a baby, according to Venus, and after the match she reiterated that point to reporters. "After the match, she told me she was going to tell Daddy on me, and I told her she was a sore loser," said the elder Williams.

Serena claims that Venus kicked her and pulled her hair on the night before the finals. She also said that Venus locked her in the bathroom for several hours while critiquing tape of her tennis abilities.

Turkey Advances In Euro 2008
Turkey Advances In Euro 2008
Turkey has been one of the surprise teams at this year's Euro 2008. They have battled through some difficult matches, but Friday's epic match with Croatia will forever be known as the Popsicle game.

Representatives from both Croatia and Turkey got together before the start of Friday's Euro 2008 quarter-finals match. The goal was to find an alternative way to end a tie game other than penalty kicks. 

A representative from Denmark suggested that since both teams would most likely be exhausted after regulation and overtime, the game should come down to a Popsicle eating contest.

"I Beat You Rocky Raccoon!"
"I Beat You Rocky Raccoon!"
Tiger Woods secured himself another major golf title on Monday afternoon, but the real story was who he thought he was playing. Woods said after the victory that he thought he was playing against Rocky Raccoon, a fictional character made up by the Beatles.

When told that he was actually playing against Rocco Mediate, he appeared stunned. "I was wondering the whole day why he did not even crack a smile when I was humming Beatles tunes," said Woods, who was physically shaken by the incident.

Pacman in Strip Club
Pacman in Strip Club
Adam "Pacman" Jones was partially reinstated by the NFL on Monday. The move clearly shows the power of the Dallas Cowboys organization within the league.

Upon hearing the news, Jones was so overcome with joy, that he decided to go out and celebrate. Grabbing his handgun, and some singles from the bank, Jones headed out towards Las Vegas.

Once in Las Vegas, witnesses saw Jones enter one of his favorite strip clubs. He "made it rain" dollar bills for most of the night, according to one observer. He also tried his best, according to the anonymous person, to start fights with several different men.